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Implementing the ACSC Essential 8: A Practical Guide for Organisations

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for organisations of all sizes. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) developed the Essential 8 framework to provide organisations with a set of baseline strategies to mitigate cyber threats effectively. This practical guide offers step-by-step instructions, assessment templates, and case studies to help organisations successfully implement the Essential 8 strategies and enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Understanding the Essential 8

The Essential 8 framework consists of eight key mitigation strategies designed to protect organizations from a wide range of cyber threats:

  1. Application Control
  2. Patch Applications
  3. Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings
  4. User Application Hardening
  5. Restrict Administrative Privileges
  6. Patch Operating Systems
  7. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
  8. Regular Backups

These strategies collectively form a comprehensive defence mechanism that addresses common vulnerabilities and enhances overall cybersecurity resilience.

Step-by-Step Implementation Guide

1. Application Control

Objective: Prevent the execution of unapproved/malicious applications.


  • Inventory Applications: Identify all applications running within the organization.
  • Whitelist Applications: Create a whitelist of approved applications that are allowed to run.
  • Application Whitelisting Software: Implement application whitelisting software to enforce the whitelist.
  • Monitor and Review: Regularly review and update the whitelist to ensure it remains current.


2. Patch Applications

Objective: Mitigate vulnerabilities in applications to prevent exploitation.


  • Identify Vulnerabilities: Use vulnerability management tools to identify vulnerabilities in applications.
  • Prioritise Patches: Prioritise patches based on the severity of vulnerabilities and the criticality of the applications.
  • Automate Patching: Implement automated patch management systems to ensure timely patching.
  • Test Patches: Test patches in a staging environment before deploying them to production.


3. Configure Microsoft Office Macro Settings

Objective: Prevent the execution of malicious macros.


  • Disable Macros: Disable macros by default in Microsoft Office applications.
  • Allow Only Signed Macros: Configure Office applications to allow only macros signed with a trusted certificate.
  • Educate Users: Train users to recognise and avoid enabling macros from untrusted sources.


4. User Application Hardening

Objective: Reduce vulnerabilities in user applications.


  • Browser Hardening: Disable unnecessary features in web browsers, such as Java and Flash.
  • Application Settings: Configure application settings to reduce exposure to exploits.
  • Security Extensions: Use security extensions and plugins to enhance browser security.


5. Restrict Administrative Privileges

Objective: Minimise the risk of misuse of administrative privileges.


  • Principle of Least Privilege: Grant users only the access necessary to perform their job functions.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of administrative accounts and privileges.
  • Privilege Management Tools: Implement tools to manage and monitor administrative privileges.


6. Patch Operating Systems

Objective: Mitigate vulnerabilities in operating systems to prevent exploitation.


  • Identify Vulnerabilities: Use vulnerability management tools to identify OS vulnerabilities.
  • Prioritise Patches: Prioritise OS patches based on severity and criticality.
  • Automate Patching: Implement automated patch management systems for operating systems.
  • Test Patches: Test patches in a staging environment before deploying them to production.


7. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Objective: Strengthen authentication processes to prevent unauthorised access.


  • Deploy MFA: Implement MFA for all critical systems and applications.
  • Educate Users: Train users on the importance of MFA and how to use it effectively.
  • Monitor Usage: Continuously monitor MFA usage and investigate anomalies.


8. Regular Backups

Objective: Ensure data can be restored in the event of a cyber incident.


  • Backup Schedule: Establish a regular backup schedule for critical data.
  • Offsite Storage: Store backups offsite or in the cloud to protect against physical damage.
  • Test Restores: Regularly test the ability to restore data from backups.
  • Encrypt Backups: Ensure backups are encrypted to protect data confidentiality.


Assessment Templates

Assessment templates help organisations evaluate their current cybersecurity posture against the Essential 8 framework. These templates provide a structured approach to identify gaps and areas for improvement.

Key Components of Assessment Templates:

  • Maturity Levels: Criteria for assessing the maturity level (from Level One to Level Three) for each strategy.
  • Gap Analysis: Tools to identify gaps between current practices and the Essential 8 requirements.
  • Action Plans: Recommendations for actions to address identified gaps and improve maturity levels.

Example Resource: The ACSC’s Essential 8 Maturity Model document includes maturity level criteria and assessment guidelines to help organisations evaluate their cybersecurity practices.

Use assessment templates to evaluate your cybersecurity posture, identify gaps, and develop action plans to improve maturity levels | Empire Technologies

Case Studies

Case studies provide real-world examples of how organisations have successfully adopted the Essential 8 strategies. These case studies offer insights into the challenges faced during implementation and the benefits realised upon achieving compliance.

Case Study 1: Government Agency

A government agency faced significant cybersecurity challenges, including outdated systems and frequent phishing attacks. By adopting the Essential 8, the agency was able to enhance its security posture significantly.

Implementation Steps:

  • Conducted a baseline assessment to identify critical gaps.
  • Implemented application control and patch management as immediate priorities.
  • Used MFA to secure access to sensitive systems.
  • Restricted administrative privileges to minimise the risk of insider threats.


  • Reduced the number of successful phishing attacks by 70%.
  • Improved compliance with government cybersecurity regulations.
  • Enhanced overall cybersecurity resilience.

Case Study 2: Financial Institution

A financial institution needed to protect sensitive customer data and comply with stringent regulatory requirements. The Essential 8 framework provided a clear roadmap for achieving these goals.

Implementation Steps:

  • Developed a comprehensive roadmap for implementing the Essential 8 strategies.
  • Used detailed implementation guides to deploy and test each control.
  • Regularly reviewed and updated cybersecurity policies and procedures.


  • Achieved compliance with industry regulations.
  • Reduced the risk of data breaches and financial fraud.
  • Increased customer trust and confidence in the institution’s cybersecurity measures.

Building a Cyber Resilient Organisation

Adopting the Essential 8 framework is a critical step towards building a cyber resilient organisation. Here are additional recommendations to ensure a successful implementation:

Strategic Approach:

  • Threat Intelligence: Use threat intelligence to stay informed about emerging threats and adjust controls accordingly.
  • Policy Development: Develop comprehensive policies that outline the implementation and management of each Essential 8 strategy. Ensure these policies are aligned with industry standards and best practices.

Continuous Monitoring:

  • Security Operations Center (SOC): Establish a SOC to monitor and respond to cybersecurity incidents in real-time. This will help in early detection and mitigation of potential threats.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular security audits to ensure compliance with the Essential 8 framework. Use the findings to improve your security measures continuously.

Ongoing Education:

  • User Training: Regularly train employees on cybersecurity best practices, the importance of each Essential 8 strategy, and their role in maintaining security.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Run continuous awareness campaigns to keep cybersecurity top of mind for all staff members.

Adopt the Essential 8 framework with a strategic approach, continuous monitoring, and ongoing education to build a cyber resilient organisation | Empire Technologies


The Essential 8 framework, with its recent updates, provides a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that can help organisations defend against a wide range of threats. By adopting and continuously improving these strategies, organisations can enhance their security posture and resilience. Practical resources such as detailed implementation guides, assessment templates, and case studies are invaluable for streamlining the adoption process and ensuring successful implementation.

For more detailed information and resources, organisations can visit the ACSC’s Essential Eight page and Microsoft’s Security Documentation. By staying informed and proactive, organisations can better protect their digital assets and ensure their long-term security and resilience.

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